Elkarlaneko kontratazioa
Egokitu zure hautaketa taldea zure enpresaren beharretara: kontratatu lankidetzan

Team working doesn’t have to be chaotic. Talent Clue makes your team’s hiring work easier so you can hire in an organized and collaborative manner. You will all be informed on each step taken by the other members, allowing you to make adequate decisions and to have a more efficient, less complex collaborative process.
You will have all the feedback organized and accessible. Recruiting in collaboration will finally will become an efficient and smart way to hire qualified staff.

“Onena da talde osoak datu-base berean sar dezakeela eta hautagai bati buruzko informazio guztia ezagutu eta oharrak datu-basean bertan ere ikus ditzakeela. Hau zoragarria da”.
Marta Navarrete
Caprabo Recruiter Manager1. Mantendu zure taldea antolatuta eraginkortasuna lortzeko
If your hire as a team, it is essential that the tasks of each them are clear and carried out efficiently. In Talent Clue, all your team members will be able to classify, comment and analyze the applicants, and all the feedback will be stored in each applicant’s profile, so you can find all the detailed information whenever you need it without rummaging through emails and files.

2. Kudeatu erabiltzaile mugagabeak nahi duzun moduan
As an administrator, you can set the permissions and profiles of the users who recruit with you to customize the functions of each team member. Talent Clue organizes users by profiles and allows you to manage the visibility of each job offer and the functionalities each team member can carry out, according to your needs as account administrator.
3. Collaborate with headhunters in a controlled manner
Headhunters-ekin lan egiten baduzu, sarbide independentea duen karpeta bakarra kudeatu ahal izango duzu zure hautagaiei ekarpenak egiteko. Gainera, zuk lan egin nahi dituzun profilak edo haiek lagundutakoak baino ez dituzte ikusgai. Ezingo dituzte profilak esportatu, eskaintzak baztertu, sortu edo editatu. Zuk aukeratzen duzu zein hautaketa prozesutan parte hartzen duzun eta nola. Horrela, lana antolatu eta kontrolatzen da.