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Talent Clue applicant reports page

There is little point in spending recruiting efforts and resources if you don’t have a specific report on what sources provide you more and better talent. Talent Clue allows you to create personalized reports so you can have an accurate knowledge on what type of applicants you get from each source and make decisions based on real data. Knowing what works and doesn’t work will make you more efficient when posting on the sources that provide you the most valid openings. You will also save time; the report is automatic.

“Talent Clue-rekin jakin dezaket zein ataritan ari garen arrakasta gehien eta kontratazioan eraginkorragoak izaten ari garen. Berriz ere, kostuak aurreztea esan nahi du.

Adriel García

Vía Célere-ko Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritzako diputatua

1. Neurtu zure ekintzak eta kontratatzeko ahaleginak

Measuring is essential for good recruiting, especially if you use paid publishing platforms to post offers. It easily and rapidly generates applicant reports to have a quick, global vision of the efficiency of your recruiting actions. You will be able to create your own reports and download them into a .csv to work with Excel data or import them to presentations.

Measure your recruiting actions and efforts
Analyze your recruitment actions to optimize them

2. Aztertu zure ekintzak optimizatzeko

The reports on personnel recruitment will allow you to analyze all your efforts and information on your applicants to optimize future postings. You will be able to analyze all your applicants’ information and convert it into graphics that you can review to find out where your successful applicants come from to optimize your future posts.

3. Lortu zure LOPDren txosten osoak

Don’t be afraid of PDPA audits. The Talent Clue report enables you to meet all PDPA requisites thanks to the report it gives you with applicants’ acceptances. Check it and share it in just one click with the certainty of complying with the PDPA.

Get complete PDPA reports
Txosten automatikoak zure ahaleginak neurtzeko.