Hautagaiekin komunikazioa

Sortu komunikazio-fluxu iraunkor bat hautagaiei prozesuaren berri emateko, mezu elektroniko pertsonalizatu automatikoekin.

Talent Clue communication with applicants page

Talent Clue offers you the possibility to create templates that automatically inform the applicants at what stage of the process they are, if they have passed from one stage to the next, if they have been discarded or if they have been chosen. You can customize notifications for a simple screening that will save you time and avoid disappointment for the applicants. They will know at all times where they are at in the recruiting process.

“Orain nire legezko lankideak esaten dit nola zauden LOPDrekin, Talent Clue-k sortzen duen betetze-txostena esportatzen dut, berari bidaltzen diot eta denak pozik daude hemen.”.

Marta Navarrete

Caprabo Recruiter Manager

1. Konfiguratu erantzun automatikoak

Hautagaiaren egoeraren arabera, haien jarraipenaren berri ematen duten jakinarazpen automatikoak konfigura ditzakezu, banan-banan egin beharrik gabe edo ilunpean gorde gabe. Jakinarazpenak soilik konfiguratu beharko dituzu zure prozesuen faseetan oinarrituta, horrela, hautagai bat prozesuko fase batetik bestera mugitzen duzunean, komunikazio bat jasoko du bere egoeraren eta hurrengo urratsen berri emateko.

Set up automática responses according to the status of the applicants
Bidali komunikazio masiboak hautagaiei Talent Clue-rekin

2. Bidali komunikazio masiboak klik batekin

Communicating with candidates one by one to let them know if they are still in the process or if they have been discarded is obsolete, to say the least. Talent Clue saves you time by creating personalized email templates in several languages. What used to take you hours will now take seconds. In one click, you will communicate with all of them and expedite the screening process without going berserk.

3. Hautagai guztiekin LOPD-a bete

Managing a database involves complying with the PDPA. Talent Clue allows you to do so effortlessly. An automatic email is sent to each applicant to get their consent. If they don’t reply, they will get reminder emails. Thus, you will know at all times the status of their agreement with the PDPA, whether they gave their consent or not, or if it is pending.

Comply with PDPA for all applicants
Aurreztu denbora Talent Clue push jakinarazpenekin