
Azkarrago eskaintzak argitaratzen eta hautagaiak biltzen


Postu bat kudeatzeko kostua murriztea


Urteko ROI-a Talent Clue-rekin.

Vía Célere, an international real estate Company that specializes in the development, investment and management of real estate assets, in 2014 they estimate to incorporate close to 100 direct positions. In their commitment to innovation, they have been looking to optimize their talent hiring process, automate the processes and improve management and process control.

Zure erronka

Talent Clue erabili aurretik, Vía Célere-k bere lan-eskaintzak banaka argitaratu zituen atari bakoitzean, informazio bera formulario ezberdinetan sartuz, hautagaiak hainbat gunetan bilduz eta hautaketa prozesu berdinetan lan egiten zuen taldeko kide ezberdinekin.

This system was inefficient for Vía Célere not only from a control point of view but also when it comes to team coordination. Having to post and screen applicants in each site entailed an unnecessary investment of time

Adriel García, Vía Célere-ko HR Saileko diputatuak, honako hau esan zuen: “Talde-lanaren mailan, atari bakoitzeko hautagaien informazio guztia kalkulu-orri ezberdinetan eta karpeta ezberdinetan integratuta zegoen. Horrek guztiak konplexutasun handiagoa ekarri zuen, berriro ere denbora gehiago behar izan baita informazioa kontrolatzeko, beti eguneratuta eta talde osoaren eskura egon zedin.

"Orain hobeto lan egiten dugu taldean, aldi berean eta informazioa galtzeko arriskua gutxituz"

Adriel García

Vía Célere-ko Giza Baliabideen Zuzendaritzako diputatua

Argitaratu eta jaso hautagaiak automatikoki

Talent Clue hainbat atari eta sare sozialetan klik bakar batekin argitaratzeko erabiltzeak Vía Célere-n kontratatzeko modua aldatu du. Jada ez dugu inolako atarira konektatu behar gure jarrerak argitaratzeko, horrek aukera ematen digu hautaketa prozesu bakoitzeko 9 ordu aurrezteko”dio Adrielek.

“In addition, receiving applicants automatically on the platform eliminates the need to repeatedly enter each site and screen the applicants. This also avoids duplicate applicants, seeing that everything is integrated into Talent Clue. With just one click, any member of the team has access to all the necessary information”.

Datu-base bakarra

Centralizing the entire recruiting process on Talent Clue allows Vía Célere to have a single database and, even though the candidates come from different sources, all the information is integrated into one place. “Now any person on the team knows where to find information about the candidates and is able to consult and download it at any time”.

“In order to have records in different worksheet, Word and PDF documents took a lot of dedication. Now we can do everything with just one click.”

LOPD-a bete

Thanks to the automatic Organic Law of Data Protection compliance messages on Talent Clue, it is no longer necessary for Vía Célere to perform manual tasks in order to assure Data Protection compliance. “Even though there is a disclaimer on the website, it isn’t necessary to track the applicants after one year, Talent Clue does it for Vía Célere”.


Thanks to Talent Clue reports, Adriel can create reports automatically, “I no longer have to enter into different websites and count how many people applied for each job, how many of them have been contacted or which website contracted them. With Talent Clue I can instantly know all that by creating quarterly reports in just minutes. Horrek 4 ordu inguru aurrezten ditu txosten bat egin nahi dudan bakoitzean”.

“Finally, it also offers us the possibility of knowing which websites have the most success and are more efficient when it comes to recruiting. Again, all this saves money”.

"Orain eskatzaileen datu-base bakarra dago, nondik datozen guztiak gune bakarrean daude, non bilatu eta jakin dezakegu Datuak Babesteko Lege Organikoa betetzen ari garela".

Zer esango zenieke Talent Clue kontuan hartzen dutenei?

Talent Clue is the ideal and quickest tool for managing the recruitment process in a single site. It allows you to improve posting time and applicant management at a very competitive cost. Moreover, the support team is a great help and really listens to the feedback they receive.

Talent Clue-ri buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?