Next Selection

In NEXT, they wanted to start their business activity with the implementation of a tool that would facilitate the receipt of CVs, manage the sources where they would post job openings, and even help them to track applicants in an optimal manner.

From the beginning, they doubted their ability to do a good follow-up of each applicant with the traditional databases. Efficiency was one of the top concerns of the members. When they learned about Talent Clue, they discovered it was the perfect fit for their needs.

Hasi ondo

NEXT provides innovative and flexible solutions to its clients. They were aware that the traditional Human Resources management methods were not fully efficient. This team’s concern about renewing their methods drove them to learn more about Talent Clue.

Bideo-tutoriala ikusi ondoren, behar zuten tresna zela zirudien.Plataformaren maneiua, bideoan azaltzen den bezala, oso erraza eta erabilgarria iruditu zaigu.”, said Eva.

Gainera, Evaren ustez, metodo tradizionalak ez zizkiola nahi zituen emaitzak ematen: «Aurkitu genituen irtenbideak Excel eta Access-en oinarritzen ziren, eta beldur ginen hautagai guztiak nahi diren emaitzekin ezin ote genituzkeen maneiatu».

"Plataformaren kudeaketa oso erraza eta erabilgarria iruditu zaigu"

Eva Kretz

Kontratazio zuzendaria

Eraginkortasunerako bidea

Eva feels that she has more control now over the data she manages and over the different stages of the selection process. For example, she can track applicants through Talent Clue, as well as the reason why others are not in the process. She also values the ability to sort applicants with labels, “So now I have more control over my work methodology, and the selection process is more organized”.

Evak kontatu digunez, beste esperientzia profesional batzuetan eta Talent Clue erabili aurretik, Langileriaren Sailaren laguntzarekin lan egin zuen eta dena oso desordenatuta aurkitu zuen. "Batzuetan hautagaiak galdu egiten ziren, beste batzuek erantzunik jaso ez zutelako deitu zuten, niretzat antolakuntza funtsezkoa da, bai lanean, bai langileen aukeraketan, jendearekin harremana duzulako eta horrek enpresaren eta talde profesional baten irudia islatzen duelako.”.

Zer nabarmenduko zenuke Talent Clue-ri buruz?

Eva likes many of the features of Talent Clue, among others, the useful and intuitive management and Multiposting. "Eskaintza txantiloia edukita plataforma ezberdinetan argitaratu ahal izateko eta atari ezberdinetan klik bakarrean argitaratzeko funtzionaltasuna oso erraza eta oso erosoa da"

Another feature she finds very appealing is the possibility to bidali mezu elektroniko automatikoak baztertutako hautagaiei, since they make a great effort to look for a job, and she would like to, at least, thank them for their interest.

Datuak Babesteko Legea ahazten ez duen arren, oso lagungarria dela dioenez, hautagaiei automatikoki jakinaraztea LOPD-a betetzen dutela. «Hori egiteko pertsona bat kontratatzea eskatuko lukeen lana da. Astean 20 ordu inguru mezu elektronikoak bidaltzeko eta jarraipena egiteko», esan digu Evak.

DPA betetzearen kudeaketa automatikoarekin, astean 20 ordu aurrezten ditut.

How the databased helped her

Eva has discovered how the database helps her to have a greater control over the process. She uses the database as a CRM of applicants. She is able to sort all the applicants who applied for her jobs and to add the resumes received from external sources.

“Now in NEXT Selection they have a single, indexed and unified database. “When I have a missed call on my mobile phone, for example, I can quickly locate the applicants in the database by their phone number and know who they are and what happened with them before returning their call. These are very useful searches,” said Eva.

Hautagaiei prozesuaren berri emateko mezu elektroniko automatikoak bidali ahal izatea oso garrantzitsua da guretzat, hautagaiek eskertzen baitute.

Talent Clue-rekin hastea

Eva was not afraid to change from the traditional methods to Talent Clue, although she recognizes that at first she was skeptic about taking full advantage of the tool.

That is why she started by testing Talent Clue during the 15-day free trial, which helped her a lot. “The 15-day free trial cleared all my doubts. At first I thought I would not take full advantage of the tool, but when I verified its usefulness and the ease to do things, I was convinced”.

Talent Clue-ri buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?