
ADICIONAn irtenbide bat behar zuten kontua zuten atari ezberdinetan argitaratzeko eta hautaketa prozesuen eta jasotako hautagai guztien kontrola berreskuratzeko. Askotan galtzen zituzten bidean, beharbada ez zutelako argitaratzen edo, argitaratzen zutenean, ez zuten sekula eskaerak aztertzen denbora faltagatik amaitu.

ADICIONA informatika-outsourcing zerbitzuak eta profil teknologikoak hautatzea eskaintzen duen enpresa da, Europa osoko enpresek esfortzu txikienarekin IKT aditu onena aurki dezaten. Konponbide informatikoak ere eskaintzen dituzte.

ADICIONAren premia handia: Multiposting

The ADICIONA recruitment team desperately needed to be able to post in all portals where they had an account in an easy, convenient way. Until then, they had multiple channels to post offers separately, but lacked control over who did what. They wasted a great amount of time posting the same position in different channels, and they had to check each platform or email to track them. Many times they didn’t even post the positions, but if they were able to do it, they ended up not checking the applicants for lack of time and with the excuse that 90% of applicants were already in Infojobs.

Finally, the decided to try Infojob’s ASP, which provided them their own portal in their corporate web. This prevented them from losing applicants along the way, but they still didn’t have the multiposting option. They evaluated several options like Epreselect or Synerquia, but they were not satisfied with them, since these were robust, complicated softwares.

Infojobs ASPrekin, 2 urtean ez ginen gure datu-basean 3000 hautagaietara iritsi. Talent Clue-rekin, urtebete baino gutxiagoan, dagoeneko 25.000 hautagai baino gehiago lortu ditugu».

Eli Abad

CEO, Adiciona

Talent Clue-k nola lagundu zien

ADICIONA found in Talent Clue the solution to this great scattering of their selection processes and near-zero control over the platforms where they published. The great strength of Talent Clue is Multiposting. It provides the convenient option for creating an opening and decide where to disseminate it at the same time in just one click in more than 50 channels: portals and employment aggregators, universities and associations. All at the same time and under control. “It is about publishing and disseminating, as simple as that, without having to go from platform to platform”, explained Eli Abad, CEO of ADICIONA. ADICIONA consultants can now decide which accounts to integrate in Talent Clue and which networks to synchronize.

Talent Clue and its power as a recruitment tool changed internally the way to get organized in ADICIONA. Before implementing Talent Clue, dissemination in social networks was done by the same person in charge of posting the job offers.

Now the consultants are the ones posting in LinkedIn groups, which is more effective because they select the offers they find more interesting and invigorate them in the specific groups for that offer.

Gainera, ADICIONAN hobekuntza nabaritu dute employer branding-en, Talent Clue-k enpresaren irudia hobetzen laguntzen duelako, baldin eta prozesu osoan hautagaiekin bilatzen eta komunikatzen ari den pertsona bera, azkenean, bilatzen ari den pertsona bera bada. elkarrizketa.

ADICIONAko hautagaiak, leku bakarrean

In ADICIONA, they not only needed to be able to post at the same time in their various channels, but also required to gather the applicants in a single place to manage them conveniently. They had been managing unnecessary dupplicates for a long time and losing applicants, so it was essential to implement a simple solution to manage the processes.

Talent Clue-rekin denbora aurreztea eta hautagai guztiak tresna berean antolatzea lortu zuten. Hautagai bakarra kudeatzen eta hautagaiak banan-banan biltzen 45 minutura igaro ziren argitalpen-atari guztietan denak kudeatzen zituzten Talent Clue kontuan. Kontu bakoitzari bereizita konektatu behar izateari utzi zioten Talent Clue kontuko prozesu guztiak berrikusteko.

"Datu-base bat sortu dezakezulako, Talent Clue-k merezi du"

Datu-base antolatua eta etengabe hazten ari dena

Bi urte baino gehiago Infojobs ASPrekin lanean eta beren eskaintzak zabaltzeko community manager bat ere kontratatu ondoren, 3.000 hautagai baino ez zituzten lortu beren datu-basean. Ez zuela funtzionatu ikusi zuten. ADICIONAn Talent Clue-n aurkitu zuten hautagaiak esponentzialki handitzeko modua: Infojobs-ekin bi urtean 3.000 hautagai baino gutxiago izatetik, urtebete baino gutxiagoan 25.000 hautagai izatera pasatu ziren Talent Clue-rekin, hedapen ahalegin gehigarririk beharrik gabe.

“Just for the fact of being able to create a database, Talent Clue is worthwhile”- explained Eli Abad - “since it is great to have many applicants in the database when searching for applicants for less appealing offers or when you are in a great hurry to find an applicant”.

What made them fall in love with Talent Clue in this sense was precisely that it took their applicants less than 2 minutes to apply for an offer, since they have access to a short, simple form adapted to all types of devices regardless what portal they come from, and it is very easy for the applicant to both check out and apply for an offer. Therefore, increasing their database is straightforward.

Gainera, aholkularien lan egiteko modua aldatu egin da, orain bai Talent Clue-k bai LinkedIn-ek bilaketa boolearrekin funtzionatzen dutelako eta "bi txori hiltzea harri batekin". Hori eraginkortasunean irabazten ari da.

Talent Clue-rekin, ADICIONAk boterea lortu zuen kontratazioarekin

ADICIONA changed their business strategy, allowing them a 65% increase in total turnover. Talent Clue was part of the change, and influenced the company’s process improvements by saving time, effort and money when recruiting. They save time in all stages of the selection process: when posting, managing applicants and searching the databases.

Talent Clue-ri buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?