Agua Eden

Agua Eden-en frustrazio nagusia hautaketa-prozesuak kudeatzeko eskaini zuten denbora inbertsio handia izan zen: eskaintzak atari ezberdinetan argitaratzea; LOPD betetzen dela kontrolatzea; prozesuei buruzko informazioa eta hautagaiak milaka gunetan sakabanatuta dituzten lankideei eta kolaboratzaileei mezu elektroniko ugari.

Talent Clue-rekin denbora eta eraginkortasun galera horri irtenbidea aurkitu zioten.

Agua Eden bere sektoreko multinazional liderra da Europan, 15 herrialdetan duen presentzia, eta 650.000 bezero baino gehiago ditu. Eden ingurumenarekin konprometitutako enpresa bat da eta bere balio garrantzitsuenetako bat pertsonak dira; bai bere langileak bai bere bezeroak.

Hautagai guztiak leku bakarrean jaso

Vanessa Bergas Eden-eko Giza Baliabideen koordinatzailea deuseztatu zen, prozesu osoa hain eskuzkoa izan zelako, ez oso arina, eta eskaintzak argitaratzeak bezain beharrezkoak diren gauzak hautaketa prozesu bakoitzean hain denbora galtze nabarmena suposatzen zuelako.

She tells us “go to the site every day, log-in, review the CVs, move them up or down. The disadvantage of posting jobs on 3 different sites is that you have applicant on 3 different sites.”

Now, with Talent Clue, Vanessa creates a single job and she can aldi berean hainbat ataritan argitaratzea, which allows her to save time. “Once it’s posted, all the applicants come to be on a single site, regardless of the site where I’ve posted and I don’t have to go to 800,000 sites to find them.”

“My greatest problem was investing so must time in managing everything involved in the hiring process. Time is everything. With Talent Clue I have been able to save time and dedicate myself to other things.”

Vanessa Bergas

HR koordinatzailea H H.

Kolaboratzaile guztiek dute informazioa

Vanessa Works with various colleagues and with different departmental responsibilities and the internal procedures that she used up till now were excessively manual.

She explains, “I had to give the user name and password of each website to my colleagues and they had to enter to see the status of their job positions or department positions. And then I had to send emails making comments, all this takes time”.

Now Vanessa and her colleagues have the information shared on Talent Clue and can consult it at any time. Furthermore, when rolak eta karguak esleitu her colleagues only have access to the jobs in their work areas.

Vanessa comments about the advantage of hautagaiekin leku bakarrean lan egiteko gai izatea: "With Talent Clue you have all the applicants in a single site and can add notes, comments, test results, etc. You have all the information right there. It’s easier to compare the information by applicant”.

"Orain nire lankideek jakin dezakete edozein unetan nola doan hautaketa prozesua, zenbatek izena eman duten, zenbatek gainditu duten prozesua, etab."

Hautagaiak antolatzeko eta bilatzeko leku bakarra

Another difficulty Eden had was managing all the applicants that came to them. They came in by eight different routes and in different formats, which made it almost impossible to classify them and, worse still, to find them again later.

Vanessa explains, “In the end, when there was so many, it was not viable to manage all the CVs and keep them organized and classified. And to do a search, you had to go back through an“Before it was not viable to manage all the CVs and keep them organized and classified. Now it’s done automatically.”d read all the emails to see all the available profiles. You couldn’t do a search like ‘show me all the applicants that have this type of profile’.

With Talent Clue, this has changed. She has all the applicants in a single database and can search for key words or profiles without having to organize them like before thanks to the bilaketa boolearra hautagaiaren oinarrian that indexes all the information contained in the resume.

“Before it was not viable to manage all the CVs and keep them organized and classified. Now it’s done automatically.”

LOPD automatikoki betetzea

Edenek garrantzi berezia ematen dion beste gai bat LOPD betetzea da. Orain arte iristen zitzaizkien curriculum asko baztertu behar izan zituzten, ez zutelako hautagaiaren baimenik euren informazioa gordetzeko. Ezinezkoa zen hautagai bakoitzarekin harremanetan jarri behar izatea bere datuak gordetzeko baimena emateko.

Prozedura hori hobetzeko, berezko eskaerak HRko posta elektronikoko kontu orokor baten bidez iragaziko zirela erabaki zuten eta, automatikoki, hautagaiak Eden-en jakinarazpena jasoko zuela LOPD-a betetzeari buruz. Baina metodo honek huts egin zien zenbatu eta jakin behar zutenean zein hautagaik onartu zuten araudia eta zeinek ez.

Talent Clue-k sortutako LOPD eta txostenak betetzeko posta-rekin, Eden lasaiago dago. Talent Clue-k sisteman sartzen diren hautagai guztiei LOPD araudiaren berri ematen die eta, horrela, beren datuen biltegiratzea onartzeko berariazko baimena jasotzen du. Era berean, Talent Clue-k datu-basetik zerrenda bat deskargatzeko aukera ematen du, besteak beste, baimena nork eman duen eta noiz islatzen duena.

Talent Clue-ri buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?