
Hautaketa saila azpikontratatuta zeukan Caprabok, aurten barneratzea erabaki zuten arte.

They only had two months to create the entire hiring department: new procedures, tools and training the new hiring team. With Talent Clue, 800 people were incorporated in just a month and a half.

Caprabo banaketaren sektorean enpresa aitzindaria da, 8.000 langile baino gehiago dituena Katalunia, Madril eta Nafarroako zentroetan.

Zure erronka

Marta Navarrete, Head of Development and Internal Communication at Caprabo, was responsible for creating the new personnel hiring department at Caprabo. With her experience as a recruiter and with more than 360 locations demanding her personnel managing, she needed a tool that made the entire recruitment process easier.

“Managing different job boards and published offers on different sites and contacting each site in order to look at how many contacts have applied makes you lose so much time” she comments. “Furthermore, you have to use the tools unique to each site, that you may or may not like, and accept their limitations”.

Marta talentua erakartzeko fase desberdinak motelduko ez zituen softwarea bilatzen ari zen, eskaintzak multiposting, hautagaien kontrola eta jarraipena, taldearekin koordinatzeraino.

“Joan argitalpen orrira, egin 4 klik eta 4 gune ezberdinetan argitaratu edo 8 klik egin eta 8 gune ezberdinetan argitaratu... Horrek ez du preziorik”.

Marta Navarrete

Capraboko Garapen eta Barne Komunikazio zuzendaria

Talent Clue-k nola laguntzen dizu prozesuen argitalpenean

Talent Clue has allowed Caprabo to stop using numerous posting and selection processes managing tools. “Before I had to have different job description formats, since each website has its own form for posting and besides that, I had to copy and paste pieces of the job descriptions in the different platform fields. This was a spectacular waste of time”.

Now, with Talent Clue’s Multiposting de Talent Clue, Marta can save time posting. “Now you just write the job offer and you can post it on all the different websites and platforms at the same time. That is so cool!” explains Marta. “The simplicity of going to the posting page, clinking 4 times and it’s posted on 4 different sites, or click 8 times and it’s posted on 8 different sites. That’s priceless!”

Thanks to Talent Clue, Caprabo doesn’t lose even a single minute when posting their jobs or when working on each site’s screens, since all applicants come to the position created on Talent Clue. What’s more, it tells you the source of each applicant and prevents duplicate candidates.

LOPD kontrolpean

For Marta and Caprabo’s legal department complying with the Organic Law of Data Protection was very important. Until now, Marta had the added task of justifying how they managed personal data storage, compliance with the standards related to data and keep the applicant matrix updated according to source websites.

Martarentzat eta Capraboko lege sailarentzat oso garrantzitsua zen LOPD kontrolpean izatea. Orain arte, datu pertsonalen biltegiratzea nola kudeatzen zuen justifikatzea, datuen babesari buruzko araudia betetzea eta iturriaren arabera hautagaien kontratazioari buruzko neurketak eguneratuta mantentzea ere bazuen Martak. Bere sailarentzat oso zaila zen hautagai guztiek LOPD gainditzen zutela ziurtatzea. «Aurretik norbait elkarrizketa pertsonal bat egitera etortzen zenean, LOPDren papera sinatzeko eskatu genion, baina, noski, beharbada egunero 300 curriculum iristen baziren dendetatik, ezinezkoa zen hori kudeatzea».

When the applicants receive, understand and accept the automatic messages to complete and accept the Organic Law of Data Protection sent by Talent Clue, Marta is assured that the standardization cycle is complete. “Now when my legal advisor asks me how it’s going with the Organic Law of Data Protection, I just download the compliance report generated by Talent Clue, send it away and everyone’s happy. Having the Data Protection under such good control, is a really huge advantage.”

"Orain nire lege-lankideak esaten dit nola zauden LOPDrekin, Talent Clue-k sortzen duen betetze-txostena ateratzen dut, berari bidaltzen diot eta denak pozik daude hemen"

Datu-base bakar batean bilatzea

Caprabok ez dio uzten denden bidez iristen diren paperezko curriculumak jasotzeari, hala ere, Talent Clue-k hainbat euskarritan (paperezko eta digitaleko) curriculumak datu-base bakar batean bateratzeko aukera ematen du, jatorria edozein dela ere.

“All resumes that come to us though all routes all go into one single database. And on the paper resumes, we can now see if they’ve applied via a web site or one of the jobs on our database. If they were on line we just get rid of the paper resume, if not, we upload it to the database. This allows us to have greater control over the validity of the applicants and allows us to manage all the applicants quickly and simply.”

Talent Clue datu-baseko iragazkiei esker, Martak hautaketa proaktiboa egiten du. “Now, for example, if we search for applicants for a particular city and there aren’t any, I look for people in the applicant base that live in nearby towns. Or if there was a position like that open before, I can recover the information of the people who applied because I already know that they’d be interested. This is really an advantage, since this would be impossible with paper.”

“The best thing about it is that the whole team can enter the same data base and know all the information about the applicant and even see the notes in the data base. That is fantastic."

Zer esango zenieke Talent Clue erabiltzea pentsatzen ari direnei?

“That I recommend it 100%. For the time saved, how quick it is, and the fact that the whole team can enter the same database and see the position and moment of an applicant or if it’s in all three processes. And if any colleague is not in the department, all of the information is there. Even if that was the only perk, I’d still recommend it.

“I also want to point out its efficiency and service. Whenever we have had a problem or question, we receive the answer via email within just half an hour. Which is so cool!”

Talent Clue-ri buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?